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Question 1
What is the name for a webpage address?
Question 2
Which of the following domains is used for - profit businesses?
Question 3
Which of the following represents one billion characters?
Question 4
In a Computer a byte generally consists of:
Question 5
A computer network which is used within a building is called a:
Question 6
Reasoning from a specific case to a general conclusion is known as :
Question 7
Select the code which states the condition of an invalid deductive argument :
Question 8
Given below are two premises, with four conclusions drawn from them (taking singly or together); which conclusions are validly drawn ? Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Premises :
(i) All bats are mammals.
(ii) Birds are not bats.
Conclusions :
(a) Birds are not mammals.
(b) Bats are not birds.
(c) All mammals are bats.
(d) Some mammals are bats.
Codes :
Question 9
If proposition ‘Students are serious’ is taken to be false, then which of the following propositions can be true?
(a) All students are serious
(b) All students are not serious
(c) Some students are not serious
(d) Some serious ones are not students
Select the correct answer from the options given below:
Question 10
Identify the minor term in the following syllogism:
“Some books are not edifying
All books are interesting
Therefore, some interesting things are not edifying”
- 702 attempts
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