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Question 1
Human blood is a viscous fluid due to____.
Question 2
Which component of blood fights against germs that enter human body?
Question 3
pH of the human blood is _______.
Question 4
Blood bank of human body is ______.
Question 5
In the diagram alongside, AD = 2, AB = d. What is the area of the shaded portion?

Question 6
Volume of a right circular cone is numerically equal to its slant surface area. Then what is the value of

Question 7
Find the odd word/letters/ number pair from the given alternatives.
Question 8
In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
Question 9
Select the correctly spelt word.
Question 10
Select the correctly spelt word.
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SSC & RailwayGeneralMar 12SSC & Railway