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Question 1
Which glass is used to make electric bulbs?
Question 2
Which type of glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic?
Question 3
Calcium salts used as fertilizer is:
Question 4
Which type of fertilizer is useful for gardening?
Question 5
Which among the following increases continuously in the range 0° <
< 90° ?

Question 6
being an acute angle, it is given that-
is equal to:

Question 7
Which number is on the face opposite 4, if the four different positions of a dice are as shown in the figures given below?
Question 8
On the basis of the given two positions of single dice, find the letter on the face opposite to the face having letter A.
Question 9
Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
Words written on the tomb of a dead person
Question 10
Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
A handwriting that cannot be read
- 3717 attempts
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SSC & RailwayGeneralJan 30SSC & Railway