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Question 1
Which of the following body is empowered with the role of appointment and approval of teachers in a University System in India?
Question 2
Which of the following statements represent the main functions of UGC?
(i) Recognition of institutions
(ii) Maintenance of quality and standards
(iii) Appointment of Vice Chancellor
(iv) Giving grants to institutions
(v) Making state governments responsible for educational development
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Question 3
The Education Commission of India that first took serious note off the problem of Brain Drain was
Question 4
Which of the following is an online store house of all academic awards like certificates, diplomas, degrees marksheets etc?
Question 5
For the day to day administration of University, which of the following bodies is responsible?
Question 6
The main aim of the faculty recharge scheme of UGC was to
Question 7
The introduction of MOOC in open and distance learning programmes is justified because of its
Question 8
“Gyan Darshan” launched by IGNOU refers to which one of the following?
Question 9
Which one of the following institutions was established as a consequence to the closure of inter-University Board brought in for promotion of cooperation among the Universities in field of education and allied areas?
Question 10
Which one of the following is an educational FM radio network?
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