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Higher Education Quiz for UGC NET Exam 2023

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Question 1

Public Order as an item in the Constitution figures in:

Question 2

Which of the following universities has adopted the meta university concept?

Question 3

Which of the following are the tools of good governance?
a) Social Audit
b) Separation of Powers
c) Citizen’s Charter
d) Right of Information
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 4

The purpose of value education is best served by focusing on

Question 5

The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) was established in which year?

Question 6

In which year Education Commission under the Chairmanship of Dr. DS. Kothari was set up?

Question 7

Which of the following are the objectives of Rastriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)?
a) To improve the overall quality of state institutions.
b) To ensure adequate availability of quality faculty.
c) To create new institutions through upgradation of existing autonomous colleges.
d) To downgrade universities with poor infrastructure into autonomous colleges.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 8

Which of the following are the goals of higher education in India?
a) Access
b) Equity
c) Quality and Excellence
d) Relevance
e) Value based education
f) Compulsory and free education
Select the correct answer from the code given below:

Question 9

Which one of the following coordinates, promotes and funds research activities of all social sciences disciplines

Question 10

Which one of the following five years plans of India has given special emphasis on ''Education and Manpower"?
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