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Question 1
Which of the following organizations deals with ‘capacity building program’ on Educational Planning?
Question 2
Which of the following statements are correct in respect of NITI Aayog?
a) It is a constitutional body.
b) It is a statutory body.
c) It is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body.
d) It is a think-tank.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a) It is a constitutional body.
b) It is a statutory body.
c) It is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body.
d) It is a think-tank.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Question 3
Which of the following are not necessarily the immediate consequences of the proclamation of the President’s Rule in a State?
1) Dissolution of the State Assembly.
2) Removal of the Council of Ministers in the State.
3) Takeover of the State administration by the Union Government.
4) Appointment of a new Chief Secretary.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
1) Dissolution of the State Assembly.
2) Removal of the Council of Ministers in the State.
3) Takeover of the State administration by the Union Government.
4) Appointment of a new Chief Secretary.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Question 4
The term of office of the Advocate General of a State is:
Question 5
In which era given below, higher education in India got a set back?
Question 6
The scheme “Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’ aims to:
Question 7
The National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) has been declared unconstitutional by
Question 8
Which of the following statements are correct about gender budgeting?
1) It is separate budget addressing the specific needs of women.
2) It assesses the impact of government budget on women.
3) It is an accounting exercise.
4) It is another budgeting innovation.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
1) It is separate budget addressing the specific needs of women.
2) It assesses the impact of government budget on women.
3) It is an accounting exercise.
4) It is another budgeting innovation.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
Question 9
One of the first states to establish a higher education council was :
Question 10
Which of the following bodies/units in a University has a statutory function to perform?
- 667 attempts
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