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Question 1
State higher education councils are established under the instruction of :
Question 2
Which one of the following states is going to have India’s first National Rail and Transportation University?
Question 3
Who is the administrative and academic head of Indian University System?
Question 4
In which year Secondary Education Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. A L. Mudaliar?
Question 5
The National Education Day is celebrated every year on:
Question 6
In which of the following cases, the principle of natural justice (Hear the other party) must be followed ?
(a) Dismissal of an employee
(b) Supersession of a municipality
(c) Threat to national security
(d) Disciplinary action against a student or an employee
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
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Question 7
The expansion of SANKALP is:
Question 8
Which of the following instructional designs is part of SWAYAM launched by Government of India?
(iv)Discussion Forum
(v)Classroom teaching
Choose the correct option from below
Question 9
Generally, who is the visitor of central universities of India?
Question 10
Which of the following statements are correct?
1) Rajya Sabha is a permanent House which can be dissolved only during national emergency.
2) Rajya Sabha does not represent the local interests of the States.
3) Members of the Rajya Sabha are not bound to vote at the dictates of the states they represent.
4. No Union territory has a representative in the Rajya Sabha.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
1) Rajya Sabha is a permanent House which can be dissolved only during national emergency.
2) Rajya Sabha does not represent the local interests of the States.
3) Members of the Rajya Sabha are not bound to vote at the dictates of the states they represent.
4. No Union territory has a representative in the Rajya Sabha.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
- 1223 attempts
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