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GATE 2024 Networks Rank Booster Quiz 4
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Question 1
Consider a series RC network R = 8Ω, C = 30 μF are current is lead by 30° w.r.t voltage. Then frequency of source will be ________ Hz.
Question 2
Consider the following network.
The steady state current iC(t) is
Question 3
Consider a series RLC circuit show in below figure, if current lags behind voltage by 45° and voltage across the inductor is twice the voltage across the capacitor, The value of inductive reactance ohm.
Question 4
The maximum current in a series R-L-C network with variable frequency excitation is 1 A, when the applied voltage is 10V. The inductance has a value of 0.1 H. The Q-factor at the maximum current is 10. Then the value of C is
Question 5
In a two-element series network, the instantaneous voltages across the elements are
Sin314 t and
The resultant voltage across the combination is expressed as Vcos(314t + θ). Then the values of V and θ are
Question 6
In a parallel RLC circuit the component values are given as L = 2H and C = 0.25 F. In order to make the system critically damped, the value of resistance R should be ________ Ω.
Question 7
In the following network, the complex power absorbed by the source V2 is (0 + j1000) VA. The value of R and the unknown element X is [frequency = ω = 103 rad/sec]
- 13 attempts