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Floor Based Puzzle & Alphabetical Series :: 20th October, 2020

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Question 1

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. They live in seven different countries viz, China, India, Japan, Canada, England, Australia and Russia but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who lives in England lives immediately above P. Only two persons live between S and the one who lives in England. The one who lives in India, lives on the odd-numbered floor above the floor on which S lives. Only three persons live between R and the one who lives in India. The one who lives in Japan, lives immediately above R. The one who lives in China lives immediately above the one who lives in Russia. V lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. Neither R nor P lives in Canada. T doesn’t live in Japan.
P lives in which of the following countries?

Question 2

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. They live in seven different countries viz, China, India, Japan, Canada, England, Australia and Russia but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who lives in England lives immediately above P. Only two persons live between S and the one who lives in England. The one who lives in India, lives on the odd-numbered floor above the floor on which S lives. Only three persons live between R and the one who lives in India. The one who lives in Japan, lives immediately above R. The one who lives in China lives immediately above the one who lives in Russia. V lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. Neither R nor P lives in Canada. T doesn’t live in Japan.
Which of the following combinations is true with respect to the given arrangement?

Question 3

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. They live in seven different countries viz, China, India, Japan, Canada, England, Australia and Russia but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who lives in England lives immediately above P. Only two persons live between S and the one who lives in England. The one who lives in India, lives on the odd-numbered floor above the floor on which S lives. Only three persons live between R and the one who lives in India. The one who lives in Japan, lives immediately above R. The one who lives in China lives immediately above the one who lives in Russia. V lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. Neither R nor P lives in Canada. T doesn’t live in Japan.
If all of the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, the position of how many persons will remain unchanged?

Question 4

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. They live in seven different countries viz, China, India, Japan, Canada, England, Australia and Russia but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who lives in England lives immediately above P. Only two persons live between S and the one who lives in England. The one who lives in India, lives on the odd-numbered floor above the floor on which S lives. Only three persons live between R and the one who lives in India. The one who lives in Japan, lives immediately above R. The one who lives in China lives immediately above the one who lives in Russia. V lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. Neither R nor P lives in Canada. T doesn’t live in Japan.
Which of the following statement is true with respect to the given arrangement?

Question 5

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. They live in seven different countries viz, China, India, Japan, Canada, England, Australia and Russia but not necessarily in the same order.

P lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who lives in England lives immediately above P. Only two persons live between S and the one who lives in England. The one who lives in India, lives on the odd-numbered floor above the floor on which S lives. Only three persons live between R and the one who lives in India. The one who lives in Japan, lives immediately above R. The one who lives in China lives immediately above the one who lives in Russia. V lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. Neither R nor P lives in Canada. T doesn’t live in Japan.
Who lives on floor numbered 2?

Question 6

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

If the third alphabet in each of the words is changed to the next alphabet in English alphabetical order, how many words thus formed have more than two different consonants?

Question 7

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

If in each of the words, all the alphabets are arranged in reverse English alphabetical order within the word, how many words will end with a vowel?

Question 8

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

How many letters are there in the English alphabetical series between the second letter of the last word from the left and the third letter of the fourth word from the right?

Question 9

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

If the given words are arranged in the order as they would appear in the English dictionary from right to left, which of the following will be third from the right?

Question 10

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

If in each of the given words, each of the consonants is changed to the next letter and each vowel is left unchanged, in how many words thus formed will there be no vowel?
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