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Question 1
In the question given below which of the option figures will come after the problem figures, if the sequence were continued?

Question 2
A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

Question 3
In the question given below which of the option figures will come after the problem figures, if the sequence were continued?

Question 4
Select the figure that will come next in the following series.
Question 5
In the question given below which of the option figures will come after the problem figures, if the sequence were continued?

Question 6
In the question given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the Left, if the sequence were continued?

Question 7
In the question given below which of the option figures will come after the problem figures, if the sequence were continued?

Question 8
In the question given below which of the option figures will come after the problem figures, if the sequence were continued?

Question 9
In the following question select the figure which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.

Question 10
Which of the following answer figure completes the series of the question figure?

- 2516 attempts
Mar 13SSC & Railway