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ESE Prelims 2022 Achievers Non Tech Quiz 6

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Question 1

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved implementation of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) for 2021-26 with an outlay of ______.

Question 2

A batsman makes a score of 270 runs in the 87th inning and thus increases his average by a certain number that is a whole number. Find the possible value of the new average.

Question 3

Which state government has signed an agreement with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to help the state farmers in adopting a sustainable agriculture food system?

Question 4

Each member of a club party contributed 4 times as many rupees as the total number of members and the total collection was Rs. 6084. The number of members present in the party was:

Question 5

Radha Unni, former Chief General Manager, State Bank of India has been appointed as Independent Director of which bank?

Question 6

5 men and 7 women can finish a work in 17 day or 3 men and 5 women can finish it in 26 days. In how many days 20 men and 30 women can finish the work.

Question 7

Which institutions has released report titled ‘Health Insurance for India’s Missing Middle' highlighting the gaps in the health insurance coverage with solutions?

Question 8

Raghu started a business with Rs.40, 000. After 5 months Bhushan joins him with Rs.30, 000. At the end of the year in what ratio does the profit will be distributed between them?

Question 9

Which of the following has been named as New Zealand Bird of the Year 2021 by Forest & Bird organization?

Question 10

A seller allows a discount of 28% on the marked price of a cooler and makes a profit of 8%. If the cooler costs ₹2222 to the shopkeeper, what should be the marked price of the cooler?
  • 383 attempts