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English || Quiz- 58 || CDS
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Question 1
Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.
Any bad habit must be nipped on the bud.
Question 2
Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
We are late because my wife took two hours to (put up) her make-up.
Question 3
Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.
Your kitchen has been your unfailing companion from the hazardous first attempts at cooking.
Question 4
Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If no substitution is required, select No improvement.
The bus had left before I reached the stop.
Question 5
Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Hardly had she finished her dinner (then) the doorbell rang.
- 1046 attempts
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CDS & DefenceEnglishSep 21CDS & Defence