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English- Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Quiz
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Question 1
Direction: In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the idiom/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase.
The kid likes to act up for the benefit of anyone who cares to notice.
Question 2
Direction: In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the idiom/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase.
We've been angling for a contract with a major development company from the Middle East for the last few months.
Question 3
Direction: In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the idiom/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase.
The shop-woman smiled at her and asked after the bereaved family.
Question 4
Direction: In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the idiom/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase.
The boss of the company bagged Diana out because she was not able to complete the project on time.
Question 5
Direction: In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the idiom/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase.
His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anaesthesia in brain surgery.
- 831 attempts
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