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Question 1
What are the values of R and M, respectively, if the given number is perfectly divisible by 16 and 11 ?
Question 2
A six-digit number 763254 is divisible by 18. If we subtract five times of 41 from the number, then the new number which is formed will be divisible by:
Question 4
k is the smallest number of 5-digits, which when divided by 18, 24, 30, 40 and 42, leaves a remainder 7 in each case. The sum of digits of k is:
Question 5
If the nine-digit number 9m2365n48 is completely divisible by 88, what is the value of (m² × n²), for the smallest value of n, where m and n are natural numbers?
Question 6
The number 150328 is divisible by 23. If the digits are rearranged in descending order and five times of 13 is subtracted from the new number thus formed, then the resultant number will be divisible by:
Question 8
A six-digit number is divisible by 198. If the digits are rearranged, even then the number will be divisible by:
Question 9
If the number 476 ** 0 is divisible by both 3 and 11, then in the hundredth and tenth places, the non-zero digits are, respectively:
Question 10
If the number 123456789 is divided by 9, then the remainder is:
- 800 attempts
Apr 11SSC & Railway