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Question 1
Which of the following sport has NOT been played at the Olympics since 1990?
Question 2
Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.
Pentagon, Hexagon, Figure
Pentagon, Hexagon, Figure
Question 3
What is the value of:

Question 4
A man travels from P to Q at the speed of 60 km/h and travels from Q to P at the speed of 90 km/h. What is the average speed of the man for whole journey?
Question 5
Which of the following destroys ozone?
Question 6
Substances said to be biodegradable:
Question 7
In which of the following year, the railway board was constituted?
Question 8
When was the railway system established in India?
Question 9
____ is the acquiring or merging with firm in the same or complementary industries to get economies of scale or scope?
Question 10
Which of the following statements is correct about financial matters?
- 2070 attempts
Tags :
SSC & RailwayGeneralJun 11SSC & Railway