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Defence exam general | English | Quiz

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Question 1

Direction: Select the option with the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom/Phrase.

Break in

Question 2

Select the option with the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom/Phrase.

Egg on

Question 3

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/phrase.

All along

Question 4

Direction: Select the option with the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom/Phrase.

To get back at

Question 5

Direction: Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to each. Choose the response A, B, C or D, which is the most appropriate expression and mark you response in the Answer Sheet accordingly.
With Heavy Heart

Question 6

Select the most appropriate one-word substitution for the given group of words.

A remedy for all diseases

Question 7

Select the most appropriate one-word substitution for the given group of words.

A geometrical figure of 8 sides

Question 8

Select the most appropriate one-word substitution for the given group of words.

A remedy for all diseases

Question 9

Select the alternative with the correct spelling of the given word.

Question 10

Select the alternative with the correct spelling of the given word.

  • 6275 attempts
Jul 25CDS & Defence