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Day-51: Teaching Aptitude Quiz for UGC NET Exam

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Question 1

Techniques used by a teacher to teach include:
1) Lecture
2) Interactive lecture
3) Group work
4) Self study
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 2

The main objectives of student evaluation of teachers are:
1) To gather information about student weaknesses.
2) To make teachers take teaching seriously.
3) To help teachers adopt innovative methods of teaching.
4) To identify the areas of further improvement in teacher traits.
Identify the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 3

Which of the following statements is not true in the context of participatory research?

Question 4

One of the most powerful factors affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the:

Question 5

Which of the following factors does not impact teaching?

Question 6

Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive ability?

Question 7

Assertion (A): The purpose of higher education is to promote critical and creative thinking abilities among students.
Reason (R):These abilities ensure job placements.
Choose the correct answer from the following code:

Question 8

Assertion (A): All teaching should aim at ensuring le learning.
Reason (R): All learning results from teaching.
Choose the correct answer from the following code:

Question 9

Greater the handicap of the students coming to the educational institutions, greater the demand on the:

Question 10

In which teaching method learner’s participation is made optimal and proactive?
  • 9411 attempts