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Day-14: Teaching Aptitude (30 Days Plan)

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Question 1

Which of the following set of statements reflects the basic characteristics of teaching?

(i) Teaching is the same as training.

(ii) There is no difference between instruction and conditioning when we teach.

(iii) Teaching is related to learning.

(iv) Teaching is a ‘task’ word while learning is an ‘achievement’ word.

(v) Teaching means giving information.

(vi) One may teach without learning taking place.

Question 2

Assertion (A): Teaching aids have to be considered as effective supplements to instruction.

Reason (R): They keep the students in good humor.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 3

Which of the following teaching methods involves a group of experts coming together for the discussion and learning of specific techniques and topics?

Question 4

Which of the following learner characteristics are likely to influence the effectiveness of teaching aids and evaluation systems to ensure positive results?

Question 5

Below are given statements pertaining to evaluation systems. Identify those which correctly explain them.

(i) Criterion-Referenced Testing (CRT) focuses on a delimited domain of learning tasks.

(ii) Norm-Referenced Testing (NRT) requires a clearly defined group.

(iii) Formative tests are given at the end of a course.

(iv) Both Norm-Referenced Testing (NRT) and Criterion-Referenced Testing (CRT) use the same type of test items.

(v) Summative tests are used regularly during teaching transactions.

(vi) Mastery tests are examples of Norm-Referenced Testing.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

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