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Question 1
Consider the following table that shows the percentage (%) distribution of population of six cities A-F, ratio of males to females and the percentage (%) of adult population in these cities. Total population of these six cities is 24 lakhs. In accordance with the table, answer the questions that follow):
Population’s city wise
What is the total number of male population in City D?
Question 2
Consider the following table that shows the percentage (%) distribution of population of six cities A-F, ratio of males to females and the percentage (%) of adult population in these cities. Total population of these six cities is 24 lakhs. In accordance with the table, answer the questions that follow):
Population’s city wise
What is the number of persons in City C who are not adult?
Question 3
Consider the following table that shows the percentage (%) distribution of population of six cities A-F, ratio of males to females and the percentage (%) of adult population in these cities. Total population of these six cities is 24 lakhs. In accordance with the table, answer the questions that follow):
Population’s city wise
What is the difference between the number of males and the number of females in City B?
Question 4
Consider the following table that shows the percentage (%) distribution of population of six cities A-F, ratio of males to females and the percentage (%) of adult population in these cities. Total population of these six cities is 24 lakhs. In accordance with the table, answer the questions that follow):
Population’s city wise
The number of adults in City E is what percent of the number of males in City D?
Question 5
Consider the following table that shows the percentage (%) distribution of population of six cities A-F, ratio of males to females and the percentage (%) of adult population in these cities. Total population of these six cities is 24 lakhs. In accordance with the table, answer the questions that follow):
Population’s city wise
What is the number of persons of City F who are adult?
Question 6
Consider the following table that shows the distribution of students in two sections A and B in a school according to the marks obtained by them. There is a total of 45 students in each of the sections A and B . Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table
If the pass mark is 30, what is the number of failures in both the sections together?
Question 7
Consider the following table that shows the distribution of students in two sections A and B in a school according to the marks obtained by them. There is a total of 45 students in each of the sections A and B . Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table
If the pass mark is 40, approximately what is the percentage of successful students in Section – B?
Question 8
Consider the following table that shows the distribution of students in two sections A and B in a school according to the marks obtained by them. There is a total of 45 students in each of the sections A and B . Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table
How many students in Section – A and Section – B together have obtained marks less than 10?
Question 9
Consider the following table that shows the distribution of students in two sections A and B in a school according to the marks obtained by them. There is a total of 45 students in each of the sections A and B . Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table
How many students in Section – A have obtained 30 or more marks but less than 50?
Question 10
Consider the following table that shows the distribution of students in two sections A and B in a school according to the marks obtained by them. There is a total of 45 students in each of the sections A and B . Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table
How many students in Section – A and Section – B have obtained 50 or more than 50 marks?
- 774 attempts
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