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Question 1
The Rare Disease Day is celebrated every year on which date?
Question 2
Who has been appointed as the Chairman and independent director of the PayU Payments Private Ltd?
Question 3
Which of the following Countries has the world's lowest Fertility Rate (Children per women) in 2023?
Question 4
Which IIT has developed a comprehensive platform with a centralized hub to connect with Venture Capitalists (VCs) and navigate the intricacies of the startup ecosystem?
Question 5
With which country did the National Institute of Ayurveda sign a MoU for academic collaboration in traditional medicine?
Question 6
Which of the following Indian Port is set to be converted into a Green Hydrogen Hub?
Question 7
What position did India secure in the Global Intellectual Property Index 2024?
Question 8
How many railway stations will be redevelopment as part of the Amrit Bharat Scheme?
Question 9
Who received the 2023 GD Birla Award for Scientific Excellence?
Question 10
Where was the world's first Vedic clock installed?
- 671 attempts
Feb 29PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance