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Question 1
What venue used for the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS)?
Question 2
Who has been appointed as the new secretary general of BIMSTEC?
Question 3
Which of the following countries will host the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee in 2024?
Question 4
In January 2024, Mayurbhanj district, red weaver ants has been awarded the GI tag, this product received the GI tag for which of the following states?
Question 5
Ustad Rashid Khan, who passed away recently, was a famous personality of which field?
Question 6
What is the theme of the World Hindi Day 2024 that is observed annually on January 10 to promote awareness about the Hindi language across the world?
Question 7
Who introduced the Drishti 10 Starliner Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for the Indian Navy?
Question 8
In which city will the 27th National Youth Festival be organized?
Question 9
In which country will the new campus of IIT Madras be opened?
Question 10
Footballer Franz Beckenbauer has passed away, he was a legendary footballer of which country?
- 1857 attempts
- 1 upvote
Feb 23PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance