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Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 30-06-2024
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Question 1
Chhip,Chitoi and Sorpi recently seen in news are:
Question 2
Consider the following statements with respect to UN Statistical Commission:1. It is a Functional Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
2. Its member states are elected by the UN General Assembly on the basis of the geographical distribution
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Question 3
How many among the following diseases is/are transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes?1. Dengue
2. Zika Virus Disease
3. Chikungunya
Choose the correct answer using the code given below:
Question 4
Consider the following statements with respect to River Teesta:1. It is a tributary of the Brahmaputra.
2. It originates from the Tso Lhamo Lake in north Sikkim.
3. The river travels through Sikkim and West Bengal, before entering Bangladesh.
How many of these statements is/are incorrect?
Question 5
Finance Commissions are constitutional bodies set up under which of the following articles of the Indian constitution?
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