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Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 13-06-2024

Attempt now to get your rank among 242 students!

Question 1

India is ranked second in global emissions of nitrous oxide. Which of the following 
is the primary source of these emissions in India?

Question 2

Consider the following diseases:
1. Diabetes
2. Hypertension
3. Fatty Liver Disease

Which of the above are non-communicable diseases associated with lifestyle factors?

Question 3

Consider the following statements regarding the recent study on elephant communication:
1. Elephants can call each other by name.
2. This study suggests advanced social behaviours in elephants.
3. Such communication in elephants is unique among mammals.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

Question 4

Consider the following countries:
1. China
2. India
3. United States
4. Brazil

Which of the above countries are among the top three emitters of nitrous oxide globally?

Question 5

Which of the following countries are participating in the G-7 outreach meeting 
attended by the Indian Prime Minister in Italy?
  • 242 attempts

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Jun 13IAS