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Current affairs quiz: 15.10.2023
Attempt now to get your rank among 898 students!
Question 1
What does India's "Blue growth" refer to?
Question 2
Which of the following statements regarding Wind Energy Capacity 2023 is/are correct?
1) India ranks 2nd in wind power capacity in the world.
2) Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of wind energy in India.
Select the correct option -
Question 3
Which of the following statements regarding recently conducted ‘Ek Khaan Quest’ is/are correct?
1) 2023 version of this multinational peacekeeping Joint Exercise was conducted in Mongolia.
2) Indian army participated in Ek Khaan Quest 2023 version.
Select the correct option -
Question 4
In which of the following cities, City Sherpa meeting of the sixth Urban20 (U20) cycle was organised ?
Question 5
Recently, Kappad Beach was in the news. In which of the following states Kappad Beach is located?
Question 6
What is the theme of National Voters Day 2023?
Question 7
__________ has been appointed as new Chief Coach of the Indian men’s Hockey team?
Question 8
Which of the following statements regarding ‘VAIBHAV Fellowship scheme’ is/are correct?
1) The scheme aims at providing scholarship to Indian students to study abroad in the field of Science and Technology.
2) The maximum duration is five years for which the scholarship is provided.
Select the correct option -
Question 9
At which of the following cities, the annual meeting of the members of the River Cities Alliance in 2023 was held?
Question 10
Which of the following has launched ‘Julley Ladakh’ program recently?
- 898 attempts
Oct 15SSC & Railway