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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
जिंदगी को मौत के पंजों से मुक्त कर उसे अमर बनाने के लिए आदमी ने पहाड़ काटा है। किस तरह इंसान की विशेषताओं की कहानी सदियों बाद आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक पहुंचाई जायें। इसके लिए आदमी ने कितनी युक्तियां सोची और उन्हें किया। उसने चट्टानों पर अपने संदेश खोदे, ताडों से ऊंचे, धातुओं से चिकने पत्थर के खंभे खड़े किए, तांबे और पीतल के पत्थरों पर अक्षरा के मोती बिखेरे और उसके जीवन- मरण की कहानी सदियों के उतार पर सरकती चली आयी, चली आ रही है, जो आज हमारी अमानत- विरासत बन गई है।
आज से कोई लगभग सवा हज़ार साल पहले से ही हमारे देश में पहाड़ काटकर मंदिर बनाने की परिपाटी चल पड़ी थी। अजंता की गुफाएं पहाड़ काटकर बनाई जाने वाली देश की सबसे प्राचीन गुफाओं में से हैं, जैसे एलोरा और एलीफेंटा की सबसे पिछले काल की देश की गुफाओं या गुहा- मंदिरों में सबसे विख्यात अजंता के हैं, जिसकी दीवारों और छतों पर अंकित चित्र दुनिया के नमूने बन गए हैं। चीन के तुन- हुआंग और श्रीलंका के सिमिरिया की पहाड़ियां दीवारों पर उसी के नमूने के चित्र नकल कर लिए गए थे और जब अजंता के चित्रों ने विदेशों को इस प्रकार अपने प्रभाव से निहाल किया तब भला अपने देश के नगर- देहात और उनके प्रभाव से कैसे निहाल ना होते बाघ और सित्तनवासल की गुफाएं उसी अजंता की परंपरा में है, जिनकी दीवारों पर जैसे प्रेम और दया की एक दुनिया ही सिरज गई है।
गद्यांश में दिए गए शब्द "सिरज" का अर्थ है।
Question 11
हरा भरा हो जीवन अपना स्वस्थ रहे संसार,
नदियाँ, पर्वत, हवा, पेड़ से आती है बहार ।
बचपन, कोमल तन-मन लेकर,
आए अनुपम जीवन लेकर,
जग से तुम और तुमसे है ये प्यारा संसार,
हरा-भरा हो जीवन अपना स्वस्थ रहे संसार,
वृंद-लताएँ, पौधे, डाली
चारों ओर भरे हरियाली
मन में जगे उमंग यही है सृष्टि का उपहार,
हरा-भरा हो जीवन अपना स्वस्थ रहे संसार
मुश्किल से मिलता है जीवन,
हम सब इसे बनाएँ चंदन
पर्यावरण सुरक्षित न हो तो है सब बेकार
हरा-भरा हो जीवन अपना स्वस्थ रहे संसार
Question 12
Question 13
A. There is something we all want to do, although few of us readily admit it: Get rid of guests.
B. For nine months in the year, only my closes friends come to see me. Then, when temperatures start soaring in the plains, long-lost acquaintances suddenly remember that I exist, and people whom I am barely able to recognize appear at the front door, willing to have me put them up for periods ranging from six days to six weeks.
C. Occasionally, I am the master of the situation I inform them that the cottage is already bursting, that people are sleeping on the floor. If the hopefuls start looking around for signs of these uncomfortable guests. I remark that they have all gone out for a picnic.
D. The other day I received visitors who provided to be more thick-skinned than most. The man was a friend of a friend of an acquaintance of mine. I had never seen him before. But on the strength of this distant relationship, he had brought his family along.
E. I tried the usual ploy but it didn’t work. The man and his family were perfectly willing to share the floor with any others who might be staying with me.
F. So I made my next move. ‘I must warn you about the scorpions’, I said. The scorpion-scare is effective with most people. But I was dealing with professionals. The man set his son rolling up the carpet. ‘Sometimes centipedes fall from the ceiling’, I said desperately.
G. We were now interrupted by someone knocking on the front door. It was the postman with a rejected manuscript, his arrival inspired me to greater inventiveness.
H. ‘I’m terribly sorry’, I said, staring hard at a rejection slip. I’m afraid I have to leave immediately. A paper wants me to interview the Maharishi. I hope you won’t mind. Would you like the name of a good hotel?’
I. Oh, don’t worry about us’, said the woman expansively. ‘We’ll look after the house while you are away.’
People who visit the author at the onset of the summer are ___________________________
Question 14
I was a below average student. Both in schools and colleges, rarely my teachers knew me by name. I don’t think I was a dunce; just that I didn’t have an academic bent of mind. Since failures were more a habit than an exception, a below par performance never disturbed me. Neither were my teachers proud of me nor did I make my parents feel proud of me.
Of course, my parents being noble-hearted never gave up on me. They never put me down in the presence of others. In fact, to shield me, they always projected a positive image of me to the world.
In 1984, while pursuing my graduation in Mathematics, I had failed in one of the subjects in my fourth semester. I already had three arrears. For the first time, hearing about my failure, I saw tears in my father’s eyes. This was my first experience of seeing my father cry. I couldn’t handle his crying. To withdraw myself I escaped to the terrace of my apartment. I suffered a fear like I have never known before. I was trembling. I never wanted my parents to ever cry again because of my failures. But, I was scared. ”Was it too late to begin in life,” I doubted. I was already over 18, just about 50% marks in my four semesters, 4 arrears to clear and 3 regular paper to face in my fifth semester, no talent, no special abilities, never won a prize in my life, not a single certificate I truly wanted to make it very big in life, if not for my sake, just to make up for all that I had put my parents through. My thoughts were haunting me, “Rajan, you don’t have any taste of success. You just don’t know what it is to succeed.” With tears flooding, I cried, “Can I still make it big in life or have I missed the bus?”
My neighbor, Vijayaraghavan, who learnt about the sobbing of my soul, casually said, “Rajan, the harder you press the spring the faster it will bounce back. So what if your life has been pressed by failures for 18 years. Decide to bounce back and bounce back big in life. Even God will not stop you.” Bounce back I did! I bounced back big to clear all the 7 papers in first class and ever since I smile at my failures.
After all what is resilience the number: To get up one more time when you have fallen. I do not remember of times when life has pushed me down, but every time I have bounced back big, for, I can hear the message lingering from within me even louder, “The harder you press the spring the faster it will bounce back. Bounce back and bounce back big.”
Ever since, I have given enough opportunities for my parents to cry they do, glad they have a son in me.
Question 15
- 328 attempts
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