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CTET -2 (Social Science) Mini Mock Test 2022 : 01

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Question 1

Consider the following statements:
Assertion(A):- Khonds from Orissa were the first to revolt against British land revenue policy
Reason(R):- Lord Hardinge I, banned the custom of human sacrifice practiced by Khonds of Orissa.

Question 2

Arrange the following given Viceroys in order of their appointments (i.e. from earliest to latest):

1) Lord Minto

2) Lord Hardinge

3) Lord Curzon

4) Lord Chelmsford

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Question 3

Statement I: The teaching process of the  social science subject should not ignore the local content.

Statement II: In a plural/diverse society in which we live, everybody should be able to relate to a social science textbook, irrespective of their religion and other aspects.

Question 4

Which of the following is an example of portfolio material?

i. Lesson plans followed by teachers

ii. Samples of work or projects done by students

iii. Assignments given and assessments done

Question 5

समावेशिकक्षाकक्षे भाषाशिक्षकः अध्यापनसमये‌____

Question 6

निर्देश: अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा तदाधारितप्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तेरेषु समुचितम् उत्तरं चित्वा लिखत।

संस्कृत भाषा अतीव वैज्ञानिकी । कंचन कथयन्ति यत् संस्कृतमेव सङ्गणकस्य कृते सर्वोत्तमा भाषा । अस्याः वाङ्मयं वेदैः,पुराणैः ,नीतिशास्त्रैः ,चिकित्साशास्त्रादिभिश्च समृद्धस्ति । कालिदासादीनां विश्वकवीनां काव्यसौन्दर्यम् अनुपमम् । कौटिल्यरचितम् अर्थशास्त्रं जगति प्रसिद्धमस्ति ।

गणितशास्त्रे शून्यस्य प्रतिपादनं सर्वप्रथमम् आर्यभटः अकरोत् । चिकित्साशास्त्रे चरकसुश्रुतयोः योगदानं विश्वप्रसिद्धम् । संस्कृते यानि अन्यानि शास्त्राणि विद्यन्ते तेषु वास्तुशास्त्रं, रसायनशास्त्रं, खगोलविज्ञानं, ज्योतिषशास्त्रं, विमानशास्त्रम् , इत्यादीनि उल्लेखनीयानि । संस्कृते विद्यमानाः सूक्तयः अभ्युदयाय प्रेरयन्ति , यथा — सत्यमेव जयते,वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्, विद्ययाSमृतमश्नुते , योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् इत्यादयः । सर्वभूतेषु आत्मवत् व्यवहारं कर्तुं संस्कृतभाषा सम्यक् शिक्षयति । केचन कथयन्ति यत् संस्कृतग्रन्थेषु मानवजीवनाय विविधाः समाविष्टाः सन्ति । आम् ते सत्यं कथयन्ति । महापुरुषाणां मतिः ,उत्तमजनानां धृतिः सामान्यजनानां जीवनपद्धति च वर्णिताः सन्ति एतेषु ग्रन्थेषु अतः अस्माभिः संस्कृतम् अवश्यमेव पठनीयम् । तेन मनुष्यस्य समाजस्य च परिष्कारः भवेत।


अद्यत्वे संस्कृतभाषा कस्य कृते समुपयुक्ता भाषा मन्यते?

Question 7

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में सबसे उचित विकल्प को चुनिए ।
प्रत्येक प्रभात सुंदर चीजे़ं लेकर उपस्थित होता है, पर यदि हमने कल तथा परसों के प्रभात की कृपा से लाभ नहीं उठाया तो आज के प्रभात से लाभ उठाने की हमारी शक्ति क्षीण होती जाएगी, और यही गति रही तो फिर हम उस शक्ति को बिल्कुल ही गँवा बैठेंगे। किसी विद्वान् ने ठीक ही कहा है कि खोई हुई सम्पत्ति कमख़र्ची और परिश्रम से प्राप्त की जा सकती है, भूला हुआ ज्ञान अध्ययन से प्राप्त हो सकता है, गँवाया हुआ स्वास्थ्य दवा और संयम से लौटाया जा सकता है परन्तु नष्ट किया हुआ समय सदा के लिए चला जाता है। वह बस स्मृति की एक चीज़ हो जाता है और अतीत की एक छाया-मात्र रह जाता है।
ग्लैडस्टोन सरीखा प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति अपनी जेब में एक छोटी-सी पुस्तक हमेशा लेकर निकलता था। उन्हें चिन्ता रहती थी कि कहीं कोई घड़ी व्यर्थ न चली जाए। तब हम जैसे साधारण मनुष्यों को अपने अमूल्य समय को नष्ट होने से बचाने के लिए क्या नहीं करना चाहिए? प्रतिभावान् पुरुष समय के छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों को बचाकर महान हो जाते हैं और अपनी असफलता पर आश्चर्य करने वाले उन्हें यों ही उड़ जाने देते हैं। उन्हें जीवन-भर कभी समय का मूल्य मालूम ही नहीं हो पाता।
उपर्युक्त गद्यांश का उपयुक्त शीर्षक बतायें।

Question 8

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow, by selecting the correct/most appropriate option:

1) Role of Music in Life Today, we are rushing through life and everyone seems to be pressurized and stressed about one or the other thing. Stress has become an inescapable part of our lives. Many of our illnesses are a result of stress, and to deal with it, we need certain ways to relax our body and mind.

2) Listening to music, particularly gentle, calming and melodious music, relaxes people both physically and mentally. Music releases endorphins, the natural painkillers in our brain, which relieve us from the sense of pain. Music can normalize heart rate and blood pressure. The common occurrences of fatigue and boredom decrease when we listen to music.

3) It diverts our attention from everyday anxieties, thereby reducing the stress caused by such concerns. While meditating, listening to music helps us to connect with our soul. Students can improve their concentration and boost their memory by listening to soft music. Soothing music, when played at night, helps us to rest and relax for a good night’s sleep. Listening to good music helps in overcoming negative traits such as anger or worry, thereby improving our personality.

4) It creates positive energy and happiness. Every cell in the body becomes energetic with increased peace of mind. Music is a therapy for everyone plants, birds, animals and human beings — to flourish and rejuvenate. It certainly plays an important part in making the world better for all living beings.

Which one of the following is similar in meaning to the word 'divert' (para 3) as used in the passage?

Question 9

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर इस पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उचित उत्तर दीजिए

जिंदगी को मौत के पंजों से मुक्त कर उसे अमर बनाने के लिए आदमी ने पहाड़ काटा है। किस तरह इंसान की विशेषताओं की कहानी सदियों बाद आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक पहुंचाई जायें। इसके लिए आदमी ने कितनी युक्तियां सोची और उन्हें किया। उसने चट्टानों पर अपने संदेश खोदे, ताडों से ऊंचे, धातुओं से चिकने पत्थर के खंभे खड़े किए, तांबे और पीतल के पत्थरों पर अक्षरा के मोती बिखेरे और उसके जीवन- मरण की कहानी सदियों के उतार पर सरकती चली आयी, चली आ रही है, जो आज हमारी अमानत- विरासत बन गई है।

आज से कोई लगभग सवा हज़ार साल पहले से ही हमारे देश में पहाड़ काटकर मंदिर बनाने की परिपाटी चल पड़ी थी। अजंता की गुफाएं पहाड़ काटकर बनाई जाने वाली देश की सबसे प्राचीन गुफाओं में से हैं, जैसे एलोरा और एलीफेंटा की सबसे पिछले काल की देश की गुफाओं या गुहा- मंदिरों में सबसे विख्यात अजंता के हैं, जिसकी दीवारों और छतों पर अंकित चित्र दुनिया के नमूने बन गए हैं। चीन के तुन- हुआंग और श्रीलंका के सिमिरिया की पहाड़ियां दीवारों पर उसी के नमूने के चित्र नकल कर लिए गए थे और जब अजंता के चित्रों ने विदेशों को इस प्रकार अपने प्रभाव से निहाल किया तब भला अपने देश के नगर- देहात और उनके प्रभाव से कैसे निहाल ना होते बाघ और सित्तनवासल की गुफाएं उसी अजंता की परंपरा में है, जिनकी दीवारों पर जैसे प्रेम और दया की एक दुनिया ही सिरज गई है।

निम्न में से हमारी कीमती विरासत नहीं है।

Question 10

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow Qn. 1 to 9 by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:

(1) For Indian Badminton, it is one of the best occasions in recent times to raise a toast. For Saina Nehwal, personally it has been three great weeks of consistent performance. Basically, there are three aspects that go into the making of a badminton star like in most other sports - technical, physical and mental. Abundance of all the three attributes is vital to be among the best in the world. She has it all. That is the major difference between her and the other Indian girls. Most often they have just two of these qualities.

(2) Saina is exceptional. She is technically sound, physical fit and mentally strong which gives her an edge over others. She does not give up easily even when the odds are against her.

(3) Personally, I have a very high regard for Indian sports women who excel at the highest level since they face a lot more challenges compared to men because of the nature of our society. This is more so during the early phase of their career and the parents have to make a lot of sacrifices to travel with them for their practice sessions as well as tournaments.

(4) Saina is already a big star at a young age. It will bring a lot of media attention. What is important is not to get carried away. It is equally important to realise that she has a long career ahead of her and a lot more tournaments to win. From whatever little I know of Saina, I am sure she will stay focused and it is only a matter of time before she becomes World No.1. Full credit to her coach Pullela Gopichand for the way he has planned and executed her progress as well as the support team of the physiotherapist and physical trainer who, as always work quietly behind the scenes.

(5) Saina, you have done all of us proud you have the ability to go all the way. In this format it will not be possible to win every tournament you enter. What is critical is choosing your tournaments carefully and resting enough between them to make sure that you remain in peak condition all the time and injury-free. This is just the beginning. Keep it up. The entire country is behind you.

(This is an excerpt from a letter written by Prakash Padukone to Saina Nehwal)

Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words –

Saina is already a big star at a young age.

Question 11

Adolescence may experience:

Question 12

____________ is the evaluation which is used to assess learning progress at the end of teaching.

Question 13

A teacher speaks clearly and uses a lot of tactile material to help:

Question 14

Constructivist view of learning suggests that children ______ construction of their own knowledge.

Question 15

Direction: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate options:

The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest.
And I must seek for mine.

 The moon, like a flower
 In heaven's high bower,
 With silent delight
 Sits and smiles on the night.

Farewell, green fields and happy grove,
Where flocks have took delight:
Where lambs have nibbled, silent move
The feet of angels bright;

 Unseen they pour blessing
 And joy without ceasing
 On each bud and blossom,
 And each sleeping bosom.

They look in every thoughtless nest
Where birds are covered warm;
They visit caves of every beast,
To keep them all from harm:

 If they see any weeping
 That should have been sleeping,
 They pour sleep on their head,
 And sit down by their bed

(‘Night’ by William Blake)

The poet compares moon to ___________.
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