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CTET -2 (Science & Math) Mini Mock Test 2024 : 61

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Question 1

Which of the following group can be considered as the primary agent of socialization? -

Question 2

Children of 4-5 years often talk to themselves. This talk according to Lev Vygotsky-

Question 3

Understanding the errors made by learners is important for a teacher as-

Question 4

According to NCF 2005, one main goal of mathematics education in schools is to-

Question 5

Find angle QRS, if PQR is an isosceles triangle with two sides equal (PQ = PR) and side QP is extended to S such that PQ = PS. (angle PQR = 30)

Question 6

In ΔABC and ΔDEF, if AB = EF, BC = DE and CA = FD, then

Question 7

Which of the following comes under learning indicators?

Question 8

Which of the following affects friction?

Question 9

Hertz is the unit of:

Question 10

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए

भारतीय धर्मनीति के प्रणेता नैतिक मूल्यों के प्रति अधिक जागरूक थे। उनकी यह धारणा थी कि नैतिक मूल्यों का दृढ़ता से पालन किए बिना किसी भी समाज की आर्थिक सामाजिक प्रगति की नीतियाँ प्रभावी नहीं हो सकतीं। उन्होंने उच्चकोटि की जीवन-प्रणाली के निर्माण के लिए वेद की एक ऋचा के आधार पर कहा कि उत्कृष्ट जीवन-प्रणाली मनुष्य की विवेक-बुद्ध से तभी निर्मित होनी संभव है, जब सब लोगों के संकल्प, निश्चय, अभिप्राय समान हों; सबके हृदय में समानता की भव्य भावना जाग्रत हो और सब लोग पारस्परिक सहयोग से मनोनुकूल कार्य करें। चरित्र-निर्माण की जो दिशा नीतिकारों ने निर्धारित की, वह आज भी अपने मूल रूप में मानव के लिए कल्याणकारी है। प्राय: यह देखा जाता है कि चरित्र और नैतिक मूल्यों की उपेक्षा वाणी, बाहु और उदर को संयत रखने के कारण होती है। जो व्यक्ति इन तीनों पर नियंत्रण रखने में सफल हो जाता है, उसका चरित्र ऊँचा होता है।

सभ्यता का विकास आदर्श चरित्र से ही संभव है। जिस समाज में चरित्रवान व्यक्तियों का बाहुल्य है, वह समाज सभ्य होता है और वही उन्नत कहा जाता है। चरित्र मानव-समुदाय की अमूल्य निधि है। इसके अभाव में व्यक्ति पशुवत व्यवहार करने लगता है। आहार, निद्रा, भय आदि की वृत्ति सभी जीवों में विद्यमान रहती है, यह आचार अर्थात चरित्र की ही विशेषता है, जो मनुष्य को पशु से अलग कर, उससे ऊँचा उठा मनुष्यत्व प्रदान करती है। सामाजिक अनुशासन बनाए रखने के लिए भी चरित्र-निर्माण की आवश्यकता है। सामाजिक अनुशासन की भावना व्यक्ति में तभी जाग्रत होती है, जब वह मानव प्राणियों में ही नहीं, वरन सभी जीवधारियों में अपनी आत्मा के दर्शन करता है

व्यक्ति सभी जीवधारियों में अपनी आत्मा का दर्शन कब कर पाता है?

Question 11

''शत्रुंजय" शब्द का अर्थ है -

Question 12

व्याकरण की समझ और ज्ञान को सन्दर्भ पूर्वक प्रश्नों के माध्यम से आंकना

Question 13

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
Once upon a time, there lived a sparrow in a tree. He was very happy to have a beautiful and comfortable nest of his own in the tree. The sparrow used to fly to far off places to pick at grains from so many fields, full of crops. At the sunset he would return to his perch.
One day, the sparrow ate his fill, but could not return to his nest, because of the heavy rains which continued for the whole night. The sparrow had to spend the whole night in a big banyan tree, a little distance away from home.
The next morning, when the rain stopped and the sky became clear, the sparrow returned to his tree. He was astonished to find a rabbit occupying his beautiful and comfortable nest.
The sparrow lost his temper and spoke to the rabbit, “It’s my home your’re sitting in. Please quit this place at once.”
“Don’t talk like fools,” replied the rabbit. “Trees, rivers and lakes don’t belong to anyone. Places like these are yours only so long as you are living in. If someone else occupies it in your absence, it belongs to the new occupant. So go away and don’t disturb me anymore.”
But the sparrow was not satisfied with this illogical reply. He said, “Let’s ask a person of wisdom and only then case will be settled.”
At a distance from the tree, there lived a wild cat. The cat, somehow, overheard the discussion that took place between the sparrow and the rabbit.
The cat immediately thought of a plan, took a holy dip in the river, and then sat like a priest and began chanting God’s name in a loud tone. When the rabbit and the sparrow heard the cat chanting God’s name, they approached him with a hope to get impartial justice and requested him to pass a judgement in the matter.
The cat became very happy to have both of them in front of him. He pretended to listen to their arguments. But as soon as the right opportunity came, the cat pounced upon both of them and killed and ate them together with great relish.
(from Panchtantra)
They story can be divided into

Question 14

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. Nos. 129-135) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.

The goal of independence was achieved in India through a prolonged struggle, during which, the far-sightedness of the leaders of the freedom movement resulted in giving a final shape to our social and economic goals to be achieved after freedom. This vision imagined to build a self-reliant nation through maximum utilization of the resources in men and materials, and the establishment of a noble and liberal society. It has been an article of faith amongst the policy planners in India that while economic strength determined the scope and quality of political freedom for millions, the quality of freedom depends on increased work and production in factories. It leads to just and equal distribution of wealth among the people so that the poor can also enjoy the benefit of freedom. This, it is recognized, is possible only through increased employment opportunities in the society.

In human terms, democracy means availability of equal opportunities to all the people irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion to develop their personalities. It means access to education in Arts, Science and Humanities and also awareness of our age-old values and traditions. It needs to be emphasized that the Indian policy has been based on a concern for the individual not only as a worker working for the economic development of the society but also as an end in itself.

In the Indian ‘context, the concept of national development goes far beyond economic growth; it is concerned with the creation of a nation united in one purpose of people speaking different languages, professing different religions and rooted in a variety of cultures.

Our leaders’ vision of independent India was based on _______________.

Question 15

In a class, a student gets up and asks permission to drink water from the teacher. Here, the student is using which of the following function of language?
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