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CTET -1 Mini Mock Test 2024 : 97

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Question 1

Diagnostic tests must have both ___________ and _____________.

Question 2

According to Jean Piaget, hypothetical-deductive reasoning develops in:

Question 3

Which of the following is the correct formula to calculate I.Q.?

Question 4

When asked to write ‘seven thousand seventy-four’ in the numeral form, a student wrote it as 774. The error occurred because:

Question 5

is equal to

Question 6

If the side of the square is doubled. The area of the square will be ________.

Question 7

Match the following

Question 8

Which region has the practice of shifting cultivation in India?

Question 9

The roofs of mud houses in Rajasthan are made up of which wood?

Question 10

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में सबसे उचित विकल्प को चुनिए।

22 दिसम्बर, 1939 को श्री धनसिंह नागरकोटी का घर रिसने लगा। मल्ली ताल में दाहिनी ओर बने कुछ घर भी रिसने लगे। जाड़ों के दिनों में रिसना कम ही होता था पर अबकी पता नहीं क्यों पहाड़ी पर बने घरों में भी रिसाव के कारण ठंड का प्रभाव कुछ ज़्यादा ही होने लगा। संतोष की बात थी कि शाम तक पानी का ज़ोर हल्का पड़ने लगा। पर रात को जो बर्फ़ गिरनी शुरू हुई तो अगले दो दिन तक थमने का नाम ही नहीं लिया। 24 दिसम्बर की शाम तक आकाश खुल गया और लोग ‘व्हाइट क्रिसमस’ या ‘श्वेत बड़ा दिन’ मनाने की तैयारी में जुट गए। बड़ा दिन जब आया तो सूर्यदेव के दर्शन हुए। छतों पर की बर्फ खिसक-गिरकर घरों के सामने जमा हो गई थी। उसे हटाकर रास्ता साफ़ किया गया। पिघलती बर्फ के कारण हाड़ कंपाने वाली सर्दी में भी लोगों का उत्साह कम नहीं हुआ और वे परस्पर क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएँ ओर डालियों का आदान-प्रदान करने लगे। तापमान शून्य से तीन डिग्री नीचे हो गया था। पानी की आपूर्ति नलों के भीतर पानी के जमने से उनके फट जाने से रुक गई थी।
गद्यांश में क्रिसमस के लिए ‘व्हाइट क्रिसमस’ शब्द इसलिए आया है, क्योंकि-

Question 11

निर्देश: पद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित में सबसे उचित विकल्प को चुनिए ।
दिवसावसान का समय
मेघमय आसमान से उतर रही है।
वह सन्ध्या-सुन्दरी परी-सी
धीरे धीरे धीरे।
तिमिरांचल में चंचलता का नहीं कहीं आभास,
मधुर-मधुर है दोनों उसके अधर –
किन्तु जरा गंभीर – नहीं है उनमें हास – विलास।
हँसता है तो केवल तारा एक
गुंथा हुआ उन घुँघराले काले-काले बालों से
ह्रदय राज की रानी का वह करता है अभिषेक।
अलसता की-सी लता
किन्तु कोमलता की वह कली
सखी नीरवता के कन्धे पर डाले बाँह,
छांह-सी अम्बर पथ से चली।
"दिवसावसान" शब्द में कौन सी सन्धि है?

Question 12

शब्द भंडार का विकास बालक की किस आयु में अधिक दिखाई पड़ता है?

Question 13

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 121 to 128), by selecting the correct/most appropriate options:

Freedom is one of the most important factors in life. Man has fought politically all over the world for freedom. Religions have promised freedom, not in this world but in another. In the capitalist countries, individual freedom exists to some degree, and in the communist world it has been denied. From ancient times, freedom has meant a great deal to man, and there have been its opponents, not only political but religious through Inquisition, by excommunication, tortures and banishments, and the total denial of man’s search for freedom. There have been wars and counter-wars fought for freedom. This has been the pattern of man’s endeavours for freedom throughout history.

Freedom of self-expression and freedom of speech and thought exist in some parts of the world, but in others it does not. Those who have been conditioned, revolt against their backgrounds. This reaction which takes different forms is called ‘freedom’. The reaction to politics is often to shun the field of politics.

One economic reaction is to form small communities based on some ideology or under the leadership of one person, but these soon disintegrate. The religious reaction against established organisations of belief is to revolt, either by joining other religious organisations or by following some guru or leader or by joining some cult. Or one denies the whole religious endeavour.

One thinks of freedom only as freedom of movement, either physical or movements of thought. It appears that one always seeks freedom on the surface. Surely, this is rather a limited freedom, involving a great deal of conflict, wars and violence.

Inner freedom is something entirely different. It has its roots not in the idea of freedom but in the reality of freedom. It covers all the endeavours of man. Without inner freedom, life will always be an activity within the limited circle of time and conflict.

Which methods do authorities not use to suppress people fighting for freedom?

Question 14

Directions: Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

Historically, the biggest challenge to world agriculture has been to achieve a balance between demand for and supply of food. At the level of individual countries, the demand-supply balance can be a critical policy issue for a closed economy, especially if it is a populous economy and its domestic agriculture is not growing sufficiently enough to ensure food supplies, on an enduring basis; it is not so much and not always, of a constraint for an open, and growing economy, which has adequate exchange surpluses to buy food abroad. For the world as a whole, supply-demand balance is always an inescapable prerequisite for warding off hunger and starvation. However, global availability of adequate supply does not necessarily mean that food would automatically move from countries of surplus to countries of deficit if, the latter lack in purchasing power. The uneven distribution of hunger, starvation, undernourishment or malnourishment, etc., at the world-level, thus owes itself to the presence of empty-pocket hungry mouth, overwhelmingly confined to the underdeveloped economies. Inasmuch as ‘a two-square meal’ is of element significance to basic human existence, the issue of worldwide supply of food has been gaining significance, in recent times, both because the quantum and the composition of demand has been undergoing big changes, and because, in recent years, the capabilities of individual countries to generate uninterrupted chain of food supplies have come under strain. Food production, marketing and prices, especially price-affordability by the poor in the developing world, have become global issues that need global thinking and global solutions.

World-wide supply of food has become the main important issue because of:

Question 15

In a class, a student gets up and asks permission to drink water from the teacher. Here, the student is using which of the following function of language?
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