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Coding Decoding Quiz : 05.04.2024

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Question 1

In a certain code language, 'ABACK’ is written as 'MECDC' and 'CABAL' is written as 'NCDCE'. How will 'EAGER' be written in that language?

Question 2

In a certain code language, 'CAKES’ is written as 'FXNBV' and 'ABUSE' is written as 'DYXPH'. How will 'BARKS' be written in that language?

Question 3

In a certain language, the word CLOCK is written as 4 – 13 – 17 – 4 – 12. How will you write PHONE in the same language?

Question 4

In a certain code language, ‘APPRECIATE’ is written as ‘ETAICERPPA’, ‘MOTIVATION’ is written as ‘NOITAVITOM’. How will ‘FRIENDSHIP’ be written in that language?

Question 5

In a code language, VACCINE is written as  and MASKS is written as . How will SANITIZE be written in that language?

Question 6

If in a code language, PROJECT is coded as 22182434444814 and THUNDER is coded as 14381226464418. Then how will SPARKLING be coded in that language?

Question 7

In a certain code language, 'PINKYS' is written as 'OJMLXT' and 'TORQUE' is written as 'SPQRTF'. How will 'GAMPST' be written in that code language?

Question 8

In a certain code language, ‘COMMUNITY’ is written as ‘YITUNMCOM’ and ‘AUTHORITY’ is written as ‘YITORHAUT’. How will ‘ISOLATION’ be written in that language?

Question 9

In a certain code language, ‘PULSE’ is written as ‘QTMRF’ and ‘HEART’ is written as ‘IDBQU’. How will ‘LIVER’ be written in that language?

Question 10

In a certain code language, 'TEACHER' is written as '2513859' and 'PRESS' is written as '7951010'. How will 'ZYGOTES' be written in that language?
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Apr 5SSC & Railway