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CDS | ENGLISH QUIZ | One Word Substitution

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Question 1

Substitute with one word:

A group of sheep

Question 2

Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one

Question 3

Substitute with one word:

Who behaves without moral principles

Question 4

Substitute with one word:

A sound that cannot be heard

Question 5

Give One Word Substitutes for the following:
One who has irresistible impulse to steal.

Question 6

Direction: In the given question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence.
Words written on a tomb

Question 7

Choose the correct one word substitute for the following stem:

A well experienced person.

Question 8

Give one-word substitution for the following :
The scientific study of insects

Question 9

Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

Substitution of a mild for a very blunt expression

Question 10

Find the one word substitution in the following question.
The act of violating the sanctity of the church is :
  • 4776 attempts
Sep 12CDS & Defence