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CDS | Elementary Mathematics | 3 D Mensuration

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Question 1

A water tank, open at the top, is hemi-spherical at the bottom and cylindrical above it. The radius is 12 m and the capacity is 3312π m3. The ration of the surface areas of the spherical and cylindrical portions is

Question 2

How many spherical bullets each of 4 cm in diameter can be made out of a cube of lead whose edge is 44 cm?

Question 3

A right triangle ABC with sides 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm is revolved about the side 12 cm. What is the volume of the solid so obtained?

Question 4

A wire is in the form of a circle of radius 42 cm. If it is bent into a square, then what is the side of the square?

Question 5

Water is flowing at the rate of 2.52 km / h through a cylindrical pipe into a cylindrical tank, the radius of the base is 40 cm. If the increase in the level of water in the tank, in half an hour is 3.15 m, find the internal diameter of the pipe.
  • 39 attempts
Apr 25CDS & Defence