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Question 1
Which of the following Countries Army will conduct “Exercise – Western Shield” with the participation of over 5,000 soldiers?
Question 2
Who has been conferred with the ‘Presidential Award of Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman’ for the year 2018?
Question 3
The festival ‘Sajibu Cheiraoba’ has recently held in which of the following states?
Question 4
World Health Day is being observed every year on ______.
Question 5
Which of the following village of India has been tagged as India's first carbon-positive settlement?
Question 6
Who has won the men’s singles Malaysian Open Badminton tournament 2019?
Question 7
Which of the following cities hosted a two-day convention to mark the ‘World Homeopathy Day’?
Question 8
Which Indian railway station has become the first ever railway station in the Indian Railways to get an ISO certification (ISO-14001) from the National Green Tribunal (NGT) for “providing passenger amenities in a clean and green environment”?
Question 9
Who is the current the Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court?
Question 10
Who among the following has been named the Wisden's 'Leading Cricketer' for third straight year?
- 1415 attempts
Jun 23CDS & Defence