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Question 1
During the Battle of Plassey, Robert Clive bribed whom to win the war against Nawab of Bengal?
Question 2
With reference to Allahabad Treaty 1765, consider the following statements.
1) The Nawab Surrender Allahabad and Kora to Emperor Shah Alam.
2) Nawab agrees to pay 25 lakhs to Company as war indemnity.
3) Nawab confirms Balwant Singh, Zamindar of Benaras.
Which of the following statements are correct?
1) The Nawab Surrender Allahabad and Kora to Emperor Shah Alam.
2) Nawab agrees to pay 25 lakhs to Company as war indemnity.
3) Nawab confirms Balwant Singh, Zamindar of Benaras.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Question 3
The Anglo-Napalese War ended with which of the following treaty?
Question 4
Who was the Nawab of Bengal during “Battle of Plassey”?
Question 5
Which treaty was signed after the ‘Battle of Buxar’ in 1764?
Question 6
During British rule, who was instrumental for the introduction of the Ryotwari system in the then Madras Presidency?
Question 7
What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857?
Question 8
Where did British introduce The Ryotwari Settlement?
Question 9
On which of the following date, the British East India company got the victory over the Nawab of Bengal?
Question 10
With reference to British rule in India ,which of the following events happened earliest:
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Sep 26SSC & Railway