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BARC 2021 ME: Refrigeration & Air conditioning Nuclear Quiz 1
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Question 1
Cascade Refrigeration is used for very low refrigeration temperature by using two VCRS cycle, COP of first cycle is 4 and COP of second cycle is 5. Then find the overall COP of refrigeration ______.
Question 2
An ice making plant using refrigerant R-12 is having an evaporator saturation temperature of –25°C and the condenser saturation temperature of 35°C . The vapour is leaving the compressor at 65°C . Following table shows the properties of the refrigerant.
Calculate the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of this system & Power consumption If the capacity of the plant is 5 kW.

Calculate the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of this system & Power consumption If the capacity of the plant is 5 kW.
Question 3
What is the function of rectifier in a practical vapour absorption refrigeration system?
Question 4
In a simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle, the swept volume for the compressor is 2 litres and its volumetric efficiency is 80%. If the speed of the compressor is 1800rpm. Calculate the mass flow rate, ṁ. Take the value of

Question 5
A thin layer of water in field is formed after a farmer has watered it. The ambient air conditions are: temperature 20 °C and relative humidity 5%. An extract of steam tables is given below.
Neglecting the heat transfer between the water and the ground, the water temperature in the field after phase equilibrium is reached equals

Neglecting the heat transfer between the water and the ground, the water temperature in the field after phase equilibrium is reached equals
Question 6
Ammonia is one of the oldest refrigerants, which is still used widely, because:
Question 7
Difference between the Wet bulb temperature (WBT) and DBT (Dry Bulb temperature) is known as __________.
Question 8
Which of the following is not an advantage of three fluids absorption system?
Question 9
Choose the correct statement about the effect of changing various operating conditions of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle:
Question 10
Degree of saturation is the ratio of ________?
- 298 attempts