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BARC 2020:Machine Design Nuclear Quiz 2
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Question 1
A Spur gear is powered by a motor which is running at a speed of 1200 rpm and power is 10 kW. If the diameter of the gear is 0.3 m and the pressure angle of the gear is 200, Assuming the law of gearing is satisfied find the radial force (in N) acting on the Spur gear______.
Question 2
Find the equivalent load of the bearing assuming rotation of its inner ring. 5kN and 2kN are the radial load and axial load respectively and the journal rotates at 1500 rpm. Take
X = 0.56, Y =1.6 and e = 0.34
X = 0.56, Y =1.6 and e = 0.34
Question 3
A loaded flat plate is having an elliptical hole
in the middle, as shown in figure. The stress concentration factor at point x or y is ______.

Question 4
A full journal bearing of 50 mm diameter and 100 mm long has a bearing pressure of 1.4 N/mm2. the speed of journal is 900 rpm and the ratio of journal diameter to the diameteral clearance is 1000. The oil is lubricated with oil whose absolute viscosity at the operating temperature of 75 ºC may be taken as 0.011 kg/m-s. the room temperature is 35 ºC, heat capacity of lubricating oil given as 250 W/m2k. find the mass of the lubricating oil required if the difference b/w the outlet and inlet temperature of the oil is 10 ºC,if Cp of coolent is 1.8 kJ/kg-k.
Question 5
A Particular section of steel shaft is subjected to maximum bending stress of 160 MPa and a maximum shear stress equal to 60 MPa. The yield point in tension of the material is 400 MPa. If maximum principal stress theory is used, the FOS will be _______.
Question 6
A footstep bearing supports a shaft of 150 mm diameter which is counter bored at the end with a hole diameter of 50 mm. if the bearing pressure is limite to 0.8 N/mm2 and the speed is 100 r.p.m. find the load to be supported?
Question 7
A bar is subjected to a tensile loading that varies from 40kN in compression to 80kN in tension. The material of bar has a yield strength of 400MPa and an endurance strength of 200MPA. Calculate the cross-sectional area of bar for a factor of safety of 2.5.
Question 8
Interference is gearing between the gears and the pinion arrangement can be avoided by which of the following process
Question 9
A bracket attached to a column by means of 4 identical rivets is subjected to an eccentric force of 10 kN as shown below. Find the maximum Shear force(in N)______.

where R=Radius, all dimensions are in mm.

where R=Radius, all dimensions are in mm.
Question 10
A spring having properties: G = 79.34 GPa, τ = 0.69 GPa, C = 6; is used for punching machine. The compression spring has to support 4 kN load & the diameter of wire is 13mm the number of turns in coil if the deflection under the load is 50mm
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