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BARC 2020: Compiler Design Nuclear Quiz 1 (App update required to attempt this test)
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Question 1
Which one of the following options is true?
Question 2
How many derivation trees are there for string aaa given grammar G?
S → aS | Sa | a
S → aS | Sa | a
Question 3
When there is a reduce/reduce conflict?
Question 4
Number of elements in follow of A in the following grammar?
T-> AB
A-> a/b
B-> c/d
Question 5
Any directed acyclic graph must have
Question 6
Consider the DAG with V={1,2,3,4,5,6}
1) 1 2 3 4 5 6
2) 1 3 2 4 5 6
3) 1 3 2 4 6 5
4) 3 2 4 1 6 5
How many of the above are correct topological sorting?
Question 7
Write the output of following SDT __________ .
Alpha -> $Beta& {printf(“1”);} | ##Gamma @ {printf(“2”);}
Beta -> #Alpha# {printf(“3”);}
Gamma -> &Gamma& {printf(“4”);} | Beta {printf(“5”);} |# {printf(“6”);}
Non-terminals (V) = {Alpha , Beta, Gamma}
Terminals (T) = { $, &, #, @ }
String : $ # # # # # # # @ # @ # &
Question 8
Consider the following grammar with corresponding synthesized attributes.
F.L {F. val=L. val}
LLB {L.len= L1 .len+1, L. val= L1. val + 2-L.lenB.val}
LB {L. len=1, L. val=B. val/2}
B0 {B. val =0}
B1 {B. val =1}
If “F.val” gives the value of the binary fraction generated by F in the above grammar then that will be the value of F.val on input .101?
F.L {F. val=L. val}
LLB {L.len= L1 .len+1, L. val= L1. val + 2-L.lenB.val}
LB {L. len=1, L. val=B. val/2}
B0 {B. val =0}
B1 {B. val =1}
If “F.val” gives the value of the binary fraction generated by F in the above grammar then that will be the value of F.val on input .101?
Question 9
How many tokens present in given code
Question 10
Consider the following grammar:
Non terminals - S, A, B, C
Terminals - a, b, c
€ - Epsilon
S --> abABC
A --> bc / a
B --> a / c /€
C --> b / €
How many elements will be there in follow of A?
- 872 attempts