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Question 1
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following equations?

Question 2
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of the question marks (?) in the following questions? (Note: you are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
Question 3
Direction: What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following question? (You do not have to calculate the exact value.)
162.05 × 126.03 ÷ 62.97 + 178.14 − 294.77 = ?
Question 4
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value)?
(√119 + 49.06 ÷ 6.998) * 124.9 ÷ 5.13
Question 5
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value)?
5998 ÷ 9.98 + 670.99 - 139.99 = ?
Question 6
Direction: The bar graph given below shows the number of viewers (in ‘000) of 6 different TV shows in 3 cities – Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.

What is the ratio of the number of viewers of US shows in Delhi to viewers of Indian shows in Mumbai?
Question 7
There are 5 questions which can be answered using the data given in the bar graph. The bar graph shows number of viewers (in ‘000) of different TV shows in 3 cities – Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.

Producers of GoT want to increase viewership in Bengaluru. To understand current scenario they want to know what is approx. average percentage of viewers of US shows who watch GoT in Delhi and Mumbai?
Question 8
There are 5 questions which can be answered using the data given in the bar graph. The bar graph shows number of viewers (in ‘000) of different TV shows in 3 cities – Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.

To understand the market dynamics, a research company wanted to know the city with maximum difference between US shows viewers and Indian shows viewers. Which city is it?
Question 9
There are 5 questions which can be answered using the data given in the bar graph. The bar graph shows number of viewers (in ‘000) of different TV shows in 3 cities – Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.

A show similar to ‘Rick and Morty’ is to be introduced in 1 of the 3 cities. Which city will be the best to get maximum traction? (Traction here is defined as percentage of viewers of a particular show in a city)
Question 10
There are 5 questions which can be answered using the data given in the bar graph. The bar graph shows number of viewers (in ‘000) of different TV shows in 3 cities – Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.

A viewer of ‘GoT’ in Bengaluru on an average watches each episode 3 times, and one in Mumbai on an average watches 2.5 times. What is the difference between the total numbers of views of an episode between the viewers of 2 cities?
- 12535 attempts
Jul 21PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance