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1 AM Reasoning Quiz (Syllogism)

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Question 1

Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.
No doctor is engineer.
Some engineers are teachers.
Some teachers are bankers.
I. All engineer being banker is a possibility.
II. There is a possibility that some bankers are doctors.

Question 2

Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.
No doctor is engineer.
Some engineers are teachers.
Some teachers are bankers.
I. Some teachers are doctors.
II. No teacher is a doctor.

Question 3

Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.
Some chocolates are candies.
Some toffees are gems.
Some candies are gems.
I. At least some gems are chocolates.
II. All gems being chocolates as well as candy are a possibility.

Question 4

Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.
Some chocolates are candies. 
Some toffees are gems. 
Some candies are gems. 
I. At least some gems are chocolates.
II. All candies are toffees.

Question 5

Direction: In the following question, some statements are followed by some conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.
Some tables are chairs.
No chair is a box.
Some boxes are drawers.
I. Some drawers are tables.
II. No table is a drawer.
  • 1867 attempts
Oct 16PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance