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1 AM Quiz (Syllogism)

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Question 1

Direction: In the following questions, three statements are followed by three conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.


1) All rings are necklace.
2) All earrings are necklace.
3) No earring is bangle.

1) There is a possibility that some rings are earrings.
2) All necklaces are either rings or earrings.
3) Some rings are definitely not bangle.

Question 2

Direction: In the following questions, three statements are followed by three conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.


1) Some woods are plastic.
2) No iron is wood.
3) No glass is wood.

1) Some plastics being iron is a possibility.
2) Plastics, which are not wood, being iron is a possibility.
3) Some iron is glass.

Question 3

Direction: In the following questions, three statements are followed by three conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.


1) All juices are beer.
2) No beer is water.
3) All water is liquid.

1) Some beer may be liquid.
2) All juices being liquid is a possibility.
3) Some water being juice is a possibility.

Question 4

Direction: In the following questions, three statements are followed by three conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.


1) Some cards are cash.
2) All platinum are cash.
3) All cash are gold.

1) All those cards which are cash are also gold.
2) All the platinum may or may not be cards.
3) Some gold are definitely not card.

Question 5

Direction: In the following questions, three statements are followed by three conclusions. Assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusions follow the given statements and choose appropriate answer choice.


1) Some sweets are chips.
2) All chips are salty.
3) No salty is onion.

1) Some sweets which are salty are not onion.
2) Some sweets being onion is a possibility.
3) All chips are not onion.

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