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1 AM Quiz (Syllogism)

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Question 1

Direction: The question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions. Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer.
Some boys are Students
Some students are girls 
No girl is a boy
I. All boys being girls is a possibility
II. All girls being boys is a possibility 
III. Some boys are girls

Question 2

Direction: The question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions. Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer.
All Gamma are Alpha.
Some Delta are Alpha.
No Alpha is Beta. 
I. All delta being beta is a possibility.
II. Some delta are beta. 
III. No beta is delta.

Question 3

Direction: The question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions. Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer.

Some A are B
Some B are D
Some C are A
I. Some C are B
II. Some D are not A
III. No B is C

Question 4

Direction: The question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions. Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer.
Some 1 are 2 
Some 2 are 5 
Some 3 are 4 
Some 1 are 3 
I. No 1 is 5 
II. Some 3 which are 4 are also part of 1 
III. Some 5 are 1 
IV. All 4 being 5 is a possibility

Question 5

Direction: The question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions. Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer.
Some tiger are lion 
Some deer are parrot
Some lion are not deer 
Some bear are tiger
I. All lion being deer is a possibility
II. Some bear being parrot is a possibility
III. Some parrot are bear
IV. All deer being lion is a possibility
  • 2185 attempts
  • 1 upvote
Aug 8PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance