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Question 1
Direction: In each question below are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known fact and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
All apartments are huts.
No hut is a building.
All buildings are cottages.
I.No apartment is a cottage.
II. Some buildings being apartments is a possibility.
All apartments are huts.
No hut is a building.
All buildings are cottages.
I.No apartment is a cottage.
II. Some buildings being apartments is a possibility.
Question 2
Direction: In question below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.
Some stars are moons.
All moons are planets.
No planet is universe.
I. At least some planets are stars.
II.No moon is universe.
Some stars are moons.
All moons are planets.
No planet is universe.
I. At least some planets are stars.
II.No moon is universe.
Question 3
Directions: In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I. II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Some clocks are radios.
No radio is a laptop.
Some fridges are clocks.
Some clocks are laptops.
1. Some fridges are laptops.
II. No radio is a fridge.
III. Some Laptops are either fridges or clocks.
IV. No laptop is a fridge.
Some clocks are radios.
No radio is a laptop.
Some fridges are clocks.
Some clocks are laptops.
1. Some fridges are laptops.
II. No radio is a fridge.
III. Some Laptops are either fridges or clocks.
IV. No laptop is a fridge.
Question 4
Direction: In each question, there are two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conditions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
All leaves are roots.
Some leaves are branches.
I. Some branches are not leaves.
II. At least some roots are branches.
All leaves are roots.
Some leaves are branches.
I. Some branches are not leaves.
II. At least some roots are branches.
Question 5
Direction: Each of the questions below has a few statements, followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III, IV. You have to consider every given statements as true, even if it does not conform to the well known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the conclusions can be logically derived.
Some apples are watermelons.
All watermelons are fresh.
Some potatoes are fresh
I. some apples are fresh.
II. Some potatoes are apples.
III. Some watermelons are potatoes.
IV. Some watermelons are apples.
Some apples are watermelons.
All watermelons are fresh.
Some potatoes are fresh
I. some apples are fresh.
II. Some potatoes are apples.
III. Some watermelons are potatoes.
IV. Some watermelons are apples.
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