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1 AM Quiz (Coded Blood Relation)

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Question 1

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

If ‘M + N’ means M is the father of N
If ‘M * N’ means N is the brother of M
If ‘M – N’ means M is the wife of N
If ‘M # N’ means N is the mother of M 
If ‘M % N’ means M is the son of N
What should come in the place of the question marks (?), to establish that D is father in law C in the following expression?

A # C ? N * J ? B- D

Question 2

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

If ‘M + N’ means M is the father of N
If ‘M * N’ means N is the brother of M
If ‘M – N’ means M is the wife of N
If ‘M # N’ means N is the mother of M 
If ‘M % N’ means M is the son of N
which of the following option is true if the expression E + A % C* B % D?

Question 3

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

If ‘M + N’ means M is the father of N
If ‘M * N’ means N is the brother of M
If ‘M – N’ means M is the wife of N
If ‘M # N’ means N is the mother of M 
If ‘M % N’ means M is the son of N
which of the given expression indicates that P is maternal uncle of Q?

Question 4

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

If ‘M + N’ means M is the father of N
If ‘M * N’ means N is the brother of M
If ‘M – N’ means M is the wife of N
If ‘M # N’ means N is the mother of M 
If ‘M % N’ means M is the son of N
How is S related to A in the expression?
E # S - D + C – A % B

Question 5

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

If ‘M + N’ means M is the father of N
If ‘M * N’ means N is the brother of M
If ‘M – N’ means M is the wife of N
If ‘M # N’ means N is the mother of M 
If ‘M % N’ means M is the son of N
What should come in place of question mark to establish that D is son in law of B in the expression
B ? A + C – D + E
  • 1873 attempts
Aug 31PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance