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Question 1
Pointing to a man in the marriage anniversary party of a friend, Rupa said, “He is the son of the only child of my grandfather”. How is the man related to Rupa?
Question 2
Pointing to a girl, Rahul said, "She is the only daughter of my grandfather's only child". How is Rahul related to the girl?
Question 3
R is uncle of A. R is grandfather of Q. Q’s brother name is P, then what is relation of A to P?
Question 4
Pointing to a girl, Mr. Suraj said “she is the only daughter of my father's son-in-law”. How is the girl related to Mr. Suraj?
Question 5
M, N, O and P are all different individuals. M is the daughter of N. N is the son of O. O is the father of P.
Which among the following statements is true from the above premises?
Which among the following statements is true from the above premises?
- 1886 attempts
Aug 16PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance