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1 AM Quiz (Blood relation)

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Question 1

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

In a family with 4 generations – A, B, G, H, J, K, N, O and P are the 9 members. G is the father of H. A is the granddaughter of N. B has only one sibling. Sister of H’s father is married to P’s father. J is the daughter of K. A is the niece of O’s sibling B, who is unmarried. O is the wife of P. J is the wife of N.
Who is the father of P?

Question 2

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
In a family with 4 generations – A, B, G, H, J, K, N, O and P are the 9 members. G is the father of H. A is the granddaughter of N. B has only one sibling. Sister of H’s father is married to P’s father. J is the daughter of K. A is the niece of O’s sibling B, who is unmarried. O is the wife of P. J is the wife of N.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are definitely true?

Question 3

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight family members. There are two married couple in 3 generations. E is the maternal grandmother of H, who is the only son of D. D is the brother-in-law of F and vice versa. F is the maternal uncle of B. C is the daughter-in-law of G. A is the father of F, who has a sibling.

How many male members are there in the family?

Question 4

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight family members. There are two married couple in 3 generations. E is the maternal grandmother of H, who is the only son of D. D is the brother-in-law of F and vice versa. F is the maternal uncle of B. C is the daughter-in-law of G. A is the father of F, who has a sibling.
If G is a female then how is G related to B?

Question 5

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight family members. There are two married couple in 3 generations. E is the maternal grandmother of H, who is the only son of D. D is the brother-in-law of F and vice versa. F is the maternal uncle of B. C is the daughter-in-law of G. A is the father of F, who has a sibling.
How is A related to C’s husband?
  • 1526 attempts
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