Time Left - 08:00 mins
Attempt now to get your rank among 374 students!
Question 1
A part of figure is provided to you. You have to find which of the following
is containing the question figure as embedded?
is containing the question figure as embedded?
Question 2
A part of figure is provided to you. You have to find which of the following
is containing the question figure as embedded?
is containing the question figure as embedded?
Question 3
A part of figure is provided to you. You have to find which of the following
is containing the question figure as embedded?
is containing the question figure as embedded?
Question 4
Which figure is embedded in the given fig. (x).
Question 5
A particular element of a figure is mentioned. You have to find which figure from the options is having this mentioned figure embedded in it.
- 374 attempts
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SSB InterviewReasoningApr 13SSB Interview