BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series to bring an end of buying various exam courses separately. BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series subscription allows unlimited access to all the structured live courses and mock tests of your desired exam category. It is a boon for all the aspirants preparing for multiple exams and spending a lot of money on various online coaching.
Since we know the quest to get a government job is never easy as frequent changing of exam patterns and the competition increasing fiercely. Thus, grab the deal now to add a boost to your preparation by getting access to all at once and picking your dream job/college accordingly.
Additional Benefits
Pay once and access for months.
Access to 1000+ live classes mentored by India’s best faculty.
Get 5000+ practice questions, study notes, PDFs all in one.
Full syllabus coverage with 24*7 doubt resolutions.
Performance analysis and Report card to track improvement
Aspirants can avail the “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription for a time period of 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 months as per the requirement.
How to buy BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series Subscription?
To unlock all courses and avail the “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription, all you have to do is:
Go to the Live Course tab on the home screen
Click on unlock all courses or directly click on BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series section
Choose validity as per your need.
Now you can go ahead with the purchase.
Start accessing all courses.
Prepare smartly with “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” to score better marks in the exam. For more exciting deals stay tuned with us to grab early and maximum benefits, only at BYJU'S Exam Prep.
What is “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription?
“BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription is unlimited access to all the video courses to that particular exam category.
How can I purchase a “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription?
You can purchase the “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription through the live course tab on the home screen.
What is the validity of the “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription?
The validity of “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” depends on the subscription plan taken by the aspirants. There are several plans including for a month till 24 months, as per the requirement.
Who will be eligible to buy “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” Subscription?
“BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription can be purchased by any aspirant preparing for several competitive exams online.
How do I extend the validity of “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription?
You can renew the “BYJU'S Exam Prep Test Series” subscription to extend the validity according to your preparation needs.