Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis

By : Vandana Tanwar

Updated : Feb 3, 2021, 9:26

Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis for GATE states that this process only looks at the Nyquist plot of open-loop systems. Thus, you can apply it without computing the zeros and poles explicitly of either an open-loop or closed-loop system. This feature allows it to be applied to procedures defined by non-rational functions like systems having delays. Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis notes for GATE PDF will provide you with more information on this topic. After reading the notes, take the Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis online test to check your knowledge. 

Important Critical Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis Topics for GATE ECE<

Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis GATE Syllabus is provided in this section. 



Nyquist Stability Criterion

The stability test for systems that are time-invariant linear and are derived in the frequency domain is known as the Nyquist Stability criterion. 

Cauchy’s Principle 

Cauchy Principal value is the method through which values are assigned for certain improper integrals that are otherwise left undefined. 

Concept of Encirclement and Encasement 

If only one pole is present in the closed s-plane path, then in the G(s) and H(s) plane, encirclement direction will be exactly opposite to the enclosed path’s direction. 

When a path is traversed in a particular direction, a region or point is enclosed by a closed path when the region or point lies to the right of the path. 

Gain and Phase Margin with the help of Nyquist Plot 

Gain and phase margins give a degree of relative stability.

Tips To Solve Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis for GATE

  • Ensure that your practise test questions belong to the latest Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis syllabus for GATE to ensure that you don’t waste time-solving syllabus questions. 
  • Study Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis note for ECE from a trusted source to get an edge over your peers. 
  • Solve Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis online quiz to corroborate your knowledge of the topic. You can also go through the Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis MCQ PDF with additional questions during the days before the exam. 
  • Practice graphical sums from different test sources to understand the main types of questions in the exam. 

Importance of Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis in GATE ECE

  • Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis is an integral part of the Control System. It teases the reasoning side of the student’s brain to provide a stable control system. 
  • Approximately three questions are asked from this section in the main GATE exams. 
  • The average marks dedicated to Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis in GATE exams is 1.5 marks. 
  • As shown in Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis, the graphical learning method about the control systems will help students solve logical real-life system stability complications with ease.

Most Recommended Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis Book

In addition to the GATE notes and the PDF of MCQs, you must refer to the following books for preparation. They are well-recommended by experts. 



Automatic Control Systems, Tenth Edition

Dr Farid Golnaraghi

Control System Engineering 

M. Gopal 

Why prepare Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis from BYJU'S Exam Prep? 

BYJU'S Exam Prep provides Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis GATE questions and answers PDF to comprehensively help students study every topic. By making a free account on the website, you can instantly access plenty of online learning videos of different GATE topics from India’s best GATE professionals. The website also provides the Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis quiz to complete your learning process while giving you the confidence of scoring good marks in the main exam.The study of Nyquist Stability Criteria and Analysis improves your logical skills for testing Control Systems’ stability. Study from the best resources on the internet and test yourself with mock quizzes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

Q. How do you find the stability of a Nyquist plot? 

A system is more stable when the gain margin is more. The system is marginally stable when the gain margin is zero. Using the Nyquist Stability Criteria, you can find the stability of a plot. 

Q. What is the difference between the Bode plot and the Nyquist plot? 

Bode plots are responsible for showing a system’s frequency response. On the other hand, the Nyquist plot is used for combining phase and gain in one plot in a complex plane. 

Q. How do you plot a Nyquist plot in origin? 

From raw EIS data, you can plot a Nyquist plot in origin using the following steps: 

  • Copy the values of Z and -Z’. 
  • Paste these values in the respective columns of the origin software. 
  • After selecting two columns, the plot as symbol type Line +. 
  • Now your Nyquist plot will be visible with -Z on Y-axis and Z on the X-axis. 

Q. When is a closed-loop control system stable? 

Suppose the Nyquist plot of the corresponding loop transfer function encircles the (-1+j0) point in the s-plane in the counterclockwise direction. This should happen as many times as the number of half s-plane poles on the right. 

Q. What is phase cross over frequency? 

The frequency at which the Nyquist plot meets the negative real axis is the phase cross-over frequency.