World Red Cross Day [May 8]

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : May 6, 2023, 6:27

World Red Cross Day is observed every year on May 8 to share the principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement with everyone. World Red Cross Day marks the birth anniversary of the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jean Henry Dunant.

Dunant was the recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work. In this article, we have shared more about the Red Cross Movement, along with World Red Cross Day, its theme, history and significance.

World Red Cross Day 2023

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day aims to highlight the principles of the Red Cross Movement and make humanitarian work a priority for all. Diseases, economic disparity and similar causes lead to a great deal of suffering in the world. Red Cross Movement is dedicated to helping those in need through humanitarian acts.

World Red Cross Day also highlights the impact of kindness and compassion in the world. Going just a little out of your way to help those in need can make a big difference in the world. Read more about the Red Cross Movement details here.


Red Cross Day


May 8 (every year)


Jean Henry Dunant

World Red Cross Theme 2023

To highlight the universal, human, and diverse aspects of the Red Cross Movement


To commemorate Jean Henry Dunant’s birth anniversary and highlight the achievements of the Red Cross Movement

World Red Cross Day Theme 2023

Every year on World Red Cross Day, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) announces a new theme for the celebrations. This year, the theme focuses on foregrounding the volunteers of the Red Cross and their contribution to society.

World Red Cross Day theme 2023 is “To highlight the universal, human, and diverse aspects of the Red Cross Movement”. No movement can be successful without volunteers working passionately towards a common cause and the Red Cross Movement is no different.

World Red Cross Day Theme (2009-2023)

Check out the theme of Red Cross Day from the year 2009 to 2023 in the table below.


World Red Cross Day Theme


To highlight the universal, human, and diverse aspects of the Red Cross Movement










Memorable smiles from around the world


Less Known Red Cross Stories


Everywhere for Every People


Together for Humanity


Get Together for everyone people


Be Together for the reason of Humanity


Move of the Youth


Search for the Volunteer which is inside you




Change in the Climate and it causes on the Human’s which serves as a Today’s Solferino

Red Cross Day History

Jean Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross is responsible for World Red Cross Day. Check out the complete history of this day here.

  • The idea of holding an International Red Cross Day was conceived soon after the First World War.
  • At the 14th International Conference of the Red Cross, the idea of celebrating the Red Cross Day for monitoring health and peace in the world was first shared.
  • The report of the Red Cross Truce got approved in 1934 at the 15th International Conference in Tokyo.
  • However, this proposal was put into effect after World War II in 1946.
  • World Red Cross Day marks the birth anniversary of its founder, Jean Henry Dunant, born on May 8, 1828, in Geneva.

World Red Cross Day Significance

Red Cross Day is an important event that reiterates the importance of being kind towards one another. The Red Cross Truce, an initiative to contribute to world peace post World War I, was introduced to make the world a better place. World Red Cross Day sends a message of peace throughout the world. Here is why this day is so significant:

  • This day honours the contributions of millions of volunteers, members, and staff of the Red Cross Organisation who protect human health and life all across the length and breadth of the globe.
  • World Red Cross Day is dedicated to those suffering from food scarcity, and victims of natural calamities, including war or any epidemic disease.

Red Cross Day also encourages people to participate in the cause by taking up volunteer work. In fact, the World Red Cross Day theme 2023 also focuses on putting the work of its volunteers and partners on the front.

Red Cross Day Celebrations

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day are celebrated every year in several countries worldwide. Here are some of the ways this day is observed.

  • The International Committee of the Red Cross and its members organize several programs and events on this day to promote and facilitate humanitarian activities worldwide.
  • On World Red Cross Day, people are encouraged to engage in humanitarian causes and respect the dignity of all victims.
  • Red Cross Day is celebrated at all levels and all sections of the Red Cross Organisations to provide relief to people suffering from natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc.
  • Organisations set up blood donation camps, etc. to spread awareness amongst the people and encourage them to do something for a good cause.
  • Many seminars and events are also conducted on the occasion of World Red Cross Day.
  • Red Cross Day potentially saves people from war by spreading the message of peace.
  • This day also asks for the contribution of society to help people who are victims of disasters.

FAQs on World Red Cross Day

Q1. When is World Red Cross Day celebrated?

World Red Cross Day is on May 8 and marks the birth anniversary of Jean Henry Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. World Red Cross Day is celebrated by many countries worldwide to pledge their support towards humanitarian causes.

Q2. What is the theme of World Red Cross Day 2023?

World Red Cross Day theme 2023 is “To highlight the universal, human, and diverse aspects of the Red Cross Movement”. This year’s theme aims to highlight the efforts of the volunteers at the Red Cross, without whom the movement would not be the same.

Q3. Why do we celebrate World Red Cross Day?

World Red Cross Day is celebrated to encourage people to be kind and empathetic towards everyone. This day emphasizes the importance of humanity and how it can make a positive difference in the world. On Red Cross Day, people come together to help those in need.

Q4. What was the theme of World Red Cross Day 2022?

World Red Cross Day theme 2022 was “#BeHumankind”, which simply emphasized being kind and humane. The Red Cross Society sticks to spreading the message of being kind year after year. It believes that these important values can help vulnerable people across the globe.

Q5. How to celebrate World Red Cross Day?

There are many ways in which people celebrate World Red Cross Day, such as

  • Donating to organizations that do welfare work for the needy.
  • Conducting events and seminars that explain the work of the Red Cross.
  • Volunteering for the Red Cross.