The Govt. of India has launched several schemes to directly transfer payments to the Aadhaar linked bank account of the beneficiaries in order to remove corruption from the existing system. The direct benefit transfer (DBT) schemes that started on 1st January 2013 also prevent duplicate payments.
The aim of DBT schemes is to help improve the lifestyle of the people living below the poverty line. These transfers have been made possible only because of the internet. We have made great progress since the pre-digital era. When we celebrate International Internet Day to commemorate the anniversary of the first message ever sent between two computers, we appreciate how far we have come, from sending a message to receiving cash payments online.
Direct Benefit Transfers Help to Women and Children
The National Child Labour Project, Dhanalakshmi Scheme and Janani Suraksha Yojana have benefitted women and children living below the poverty line. The National Child Labour Project aims at identifying children engaged in hazardous occupations and extricating them from their duties. The children are then enrolled in a special school and a stipend of rupees 150 is given every month under the direct benefit scheme.
The Dhanalakshmi scheme gives a stipend of rupees 5000 in order to prevent early child marriage. The scheme also offers an insurance cover of rupees 100,000 when the girl turns 18 provided she is not married.
The Janani Suraksha Yojana focuses on poor women in order to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by ensuring timely intervention. The women are eligible for cash assistance and also post-delivery care.
Direct Benefit Transfer Helps to Farmers
The government has introduced a direct benefit transfer scheme in fertilizers. Under this system, the actual sale of subsidised fertilizers to farmers by the retailers is the basis for deciding the subsidy that will be released to the fertilizer company. A direct benefit cash transfer is made to the farmer's account instead of crediting the subsidy to the account of the Minister of Chemical and Fertilizers.
Direct Benefit Transfer Helps to Students
Any child who has completed grade 8 and lives in the designated district is entitled to receive a stipend to cover the cost of tuition fee, textbooks, school uniform, stationery, and transport provided the student is enrolled in a private school. However, if the student enrols himself in a govt school, the stipend is given only if his academic performance is good. If the child's performance is not up to the mark, the stipend is void.
Direct Benefit Cash Transfer During the COVID Pandemic
During the COVID pandemic, the livelihood of a large number of workers was impacted. Direct Benefit Transfers provided relief to all those affected by the pandemic. On 30th March 2020, 2.19 crore transactions were recorded after the lockdown was imposed.
It is evident that these direct benefit transfer schemes have gone a long way in improving the lifestyle of the poorer sections of society. Direct transfers have also made the process of granting subsidies transparent, free from corruption and human error.
FAQs on Direct Benefit Transfer
Q.1) What is the full form of DBT Schemes?
Ans: DBT schemes stand for Direct Benefit Transfer schemes.
Q.2) How can you receive Direct Benefit Transfer benefits?
Ans: You can receive Direct Benefit Transfer benefits by linking your Aadhaar card to your bank account.
Q.3) What is the name of the govt. a scheme that offers stipends to delay the early marriage of the girl child?
Ans: The name of the govt. a scheme that offers stipends to delay the early marriage of the girl child is Dhanalakshmi Scheme.
Q.4)What is the name of the govt. a scheme that offers stipends to prevent child labour?
Ans: The name of the govt. a scheme that offers stipends to prevent child labour is National Child Labour Project.