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GATE 2019 Soil Mechanics Quiz 14
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Question 1
The figure given below represents the contact pressure distribution underneath a

Question 2
In an unconsolidated undrained triaxial test, it is observed that an increase in cell pressure from 150 kPas to 250 kPa leads to a pore pressure increase of 80 kPa. It is further observed that, an increase of 50 kPa in deviatoric stress result in an increase of 25 kPa in the pore pressure. The value of Skempton’s pore pressure parameter B is:
Question 3
Likelihood of general shear failure for an isolated footing in sand decreases with
Question 4
A rectangular footing 1 m x 2 m is placed at a depth of 2 m in a saturated clay behaving an unconfined compressive strength of 100 kN/m2. According to Skempton, the net ultimate capacity is
Question 5
Determine the ultimate bearing capacity (in kN/m2) of a strip footing 2 m in width, with its base at a depth of 1.5 m below ground surface and resting on a saturated clay soil in undrained loading condition with the following properties
Take γw = 10 kN/m3, the natural water table is at 1 m depth.
[Use Terzaghi theory and Ignore depth factors]

Take γw = 10 kN/m3, the natural water table is at 1 m depth.
[Use Terzaghi theory and Ignore depth factors]
Question 6
A square footing (2 m × 2m) is subjected to an inclined point load P as shown in the figure below. The water table is located well below the base of the footing. Considering one–way eccentricity, the net safe load carrying capacity of the footing for a factor of safety of 3.0 is _________ kN.
The following factor may be used:
Bearing capacity factors: Nq = 33.3, Nï= 37.16; Shape factor: Fqs =FYs = 1.314 ; Depth factors : Fqd = FYd = 1.113; Inclination factors : Fqi = 0.444, FYi = 0.02
The following factor may be used:
Bearing capacity factors: Nq = 33.3, Nï= 37.16; Shape factor: Fqs =FYs = 1.314 ; Depth factors : Fqd = FYd = 1.113; Inclination factors : Fqi = 0.444, FYi = 0.02

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